...ooooooooohhhhhhhh yes:) indeed it was a tasty display of fire eating gypsy style drifting.another awesome event thrown by midwest drift union in the +90 degree satans taint hotness.started the day off right..did 1 run with the new layout..tr came up an said "i didnt see yor 1st run..but stop driving like a pussy"..a laugh,smile,an a quick wink later i blasted the wall on purpose an kept goin like a deer after an encounter with a peter built.lol.anywho..lots of guys runnin good,an lots of plp havin fun..waited 4 all drivers 2 qualify b4 me.was the 32nd driver ta hit the track.laid my 2 runs down..knew i was locked 4 some tandem final action but deff wasnt expecting the results durin the drivers meeting.as they called off the positions an names i still didnt hear my name so was gettin worried i didnt do as sweet as me thought...then edgar called it....1st...was crazy mang.never qualified 1st b4.word.well ..went up against josh holt an wound up going 3 1more times.had the advantage but had 2 change a destroyed tire..then totally biffed the run.lol.shizzz in the shoe an glue in my brew.oh wellz. was still jus joyous bout qualifing so well, josh moved on an wound up winning the event rockin that shit.later on that night i gots 2 slaughter a demo b4 the fire works fo a packed house of crazy circle track fans.thats always crazyshit..but man ill tell u what,they always love the sound of that ls1...its like crack 2 a crack baby...:).sat mission accomplished ...then sunday..all day tire rape 4 fun on a diff layout.couldnt have been beter.with asb an rd3mdu it was 4 outta 10 days gettin ta slide..feelin like i b starting ta get use 2 the constant travel an the grind of a track day like some kind of travelin seasoned veteran carny selling corn dogs at the town fair to the toothless.....dirty,underslept,an prob a bit creepy 4 most even without a mullet..., but couldnt b happier bout dat shit.lockin sights 4 midwest cup rd1,midwest drift union rd4,an street life tour.setting dial 2 kill mode.......aa..now
this is how the chips have fallen after 3 rounds with gettin no points rd 1..word
1. Mike Feiock FC3S 46pts
2. Bill Cook S13 40pts
3. Cody Tobe S13 33pts
4. Dustin Doherty S14 27pts
5. Austin Barron S14 25pts
6. Brian Vrchoticky Z33 24pts
7. Kris Hackenson S14 22pts
8. Caleb Nichols S14 20pts
Clinton Florczyk FC3S 16pts
Josh Holt S13 16pts
Brian Waggoner S14 16pts
Kyle Krebs AE86 13pts
Mike Skudlarek S13 13pts
Travis LaCombe Foxbody Mustang 12pts
Adam Ozuiel S13 11pts
Ryan Nalezty S14 10pts
Mike Crabtree S13 7pts
Jonathan Johnson S13 5pts
Lyman Scott S14 2pts
Juan Marquez S13 1pts